JIF Power Ups

JIF Power Ups

JIF Power Ups

JIF Power Ups

Snack time can be a battle of wills. Kids want something delicious. Parents want something nutritious. Enter JIF Power Ups, a snack both kid and mom can enjoy.


To get the word out we had a little help from celebrity dad, Neil Patrick Harris. He shared his funniest parenting stories and asked fans to share some of their own. We then took those submissions and acted them out with a comedy troupe at Caroline’s Comedy Club in Times Square.

Alexa Power Up Snacktime

Parents always ask their kids how their day went, and the response is usually a sigh. So let’s give kids a fun way to share their daily activities with their parents through the epic storytelling abilities of Jif Power Ups and Alexa.

Neil Patrick Harris Videos

We used Neil Patrick Harris to get user submitted stories of parenting struggles online by sharing his hilarious struggle stories.